Tag Archive: death

Goodbye, Uncle Bob

Today, I’m thinking about my (Great-)Uncle Bob, who passed away yesterday morning. He gave me many great memories, mostly food-related. Thanksgivings at his house were awesome, and those amazing, huge 4 a.m. hunting-day breakfasts will always bear his name. He gave me my first vehicle (a pickup truck, of course) and my favorite cookbook. I’ll never forget his voice and his thick Louisiana accent. God rest your soul, Uncle Bob, and may He bring you into His Kingdom to see Aunt Noni again, among rejoicing angels.

Life in a Jobs-less World

What worth is there in one man’s life? Does each person’s life matter equally? What is the measure with which each life is weighed? Such questions are inevitable whenever an icon passes away. And while we Christians believe we know the answers, we don’t always act like we believe those answers.

Steve Jobs died yesterday, and the world mourns for him. His name was known far and wide, high and low. His contributions in the worlds of technology and business–specifically, the way he made technology fashionable–will never be matched. Before Steve Jobs, computer nerds

Yet, after all is said and done, he was still just a man. His end was the same as the end will be for the rest of us. So why should there be more mourning for his passing than for the little boy who just starved in Uganda? Or for the woman who just died of disease in India?wore pocket protectors, carried bulky calculators, and spoke a dialect of English so incomprehensible it might as well have been Khamkura. After Jobs, they wear designer blue jeans, carry sleek iPhones, and set the standards of verbal communication. You might say that because of Jobs, it’s now hip to be square.

I guess a friend of mine said it best on facebook yesterday, when he posted about his grandmother’s passing: “I just found out my grandma died this morning. Rest in peace… You will be missed.” Then, an hour later, he commented, “I guess Steve Jobs also died today. But I doubt his tamales were as good as grandma’s.”

Each life is valuable and should be cherished. One makes great contributions to the world of technology. Another makes great tamales for her grandchildren. Both matter equally.

So as we all remember an iconic and influential man, let’s also remember those whose only influence was on the lives of their children, or those who never had a chance to influence anyone at all.